Trump immigration policies

Dreamers for Dollars? by Timothy Bakken


In a cynical and cruel move, many of Trump’s aides have urged him to allow children in the United States under DACA to remain here as a "bargaining chip" to try to secure funding for Trump’s unnecessary wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. Even Trump’s own supporters (over 70%) think Dreamers should stay in the U.S. and yet the fear always remains that Trump will cave in to the worst anti-immigrant elements of his base and eventually sacrifice the hard-working Dreamers who have lived almost their entire lives in the U.S. Read the full article here

Timothy R. Bakken

Canada Wants Highly Skilled Immigrants Discouraged by Trump’s Anti-Immigrant Policies by Timothy Bakken

Canada is looking better and better to immigrants turned off by the anti-immigrant rhetoric and policies of the United States. As Trump rolls out stricter and stricter immigration policies he diminishes U.S. standing in the international community, while Canada streamlines (and speeds up!) the process for technology workers and other highly-skilled workers to immigrate and contribute to the Canadian economy and culture. Read the full article here.

Timothy R. Bakken