
Trump Continues to Attack High-Skilled Lawful Immigration by Timothy Bakken


Trump is now targeting the STEM OPT program in his continued efforts to discourage legal high-skilled immigration to the United States. STEM OPT currently allows over 40,000 foreign STEM students at U.S. universities to work in the U.S. in a STEM field for three years after graduation. President Bush conceived the program, Obama extended it, and now Trump is trying to end it, which will only hamper America's leading position in the world. What does this say about Trump’s professed support of a merit-based immigration system?  And from a larger perspective, what message does it send about America’s historical role as a nation that welcomes immigrants and benefits from their economic and cultural contributions? 

Timothy R. Bakken

Countering DACA Myths by Timothy Bakken


Save DACA!  DACA does not threaten U.S. citizens’ jobs, does not grant citizenship or lawful permanent resident status, and ending DACA will expose Dreamers and their families to deportation. The New York Times explains why common critiques of DACA are misleading here.

Timothy R. Bakken

DACA on Thin Ice… Again by Timothy Bakken

While many had thought DACA was safe despite many of President Trump’s immigration crackdowns, not to mention Trump’s repeated assertions that DACA recipients won’t be deported, as explained by Vox, this is no longer the case. Attorneys General in several states are threatening to sue the Trump Administration to force an end to DACA. This could put the matter in the hands of Jeff Sessions, possibly the most anti-immigrant member of Trump’s cabinet. We should stop and remember that the overwhelming majority of DACA recipients came to the U.S. as very young children, have graduated from high school, have no criminal backgrounds, and are using DACA to work lawfully, attend college, support families, and contribute positively to our communities and our country. Eliminating DACA would take Trump’s harsh anti-immigrant, anti-family actions and policies to an entirely new low.

Timothy R. Bakken

DACA Lives on! by Timothy Bakken

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced that DACA will continue.  To quote the DHS: “DACA recipients will continue to be eligible as outlined in the June 15, 2012 memorandum…No work permits will be terminated prior to their current expiration dates.”  The good news is buried in a DHS memo announcing the official rescission of DAPA (Obama’s proposed program to protect undocumented parents of U.S. citizens and permanent residents).

Timothy R. Bakken